Apple Developer Documentation

Respond to events on behalf of a delegator.


You use delegates to interact with Cocoa objects that inform you of events in an app.

Adopt a Delegate Protocol

Cocoa APIs often provide protocols that include delegate methods. When an event occurs—such as a user resizing a window—a class that's a delegator will detect the event and call delegate methods on the class you specify as the delegate. Delegate methods can customize how an app responds to an event.

The example below adopts the NSWindowDelegate protocol and implements its window(_:willUseFullScreenContentSize:) method:

class MyDelegate: NSObject, NSWindowDelegate {
		func window(_ window: NSWindow, willUseFullScreenContentSize proposedSize: NSSize) -> NSSize {
        return proposedSize

Check That Delegates Exist

The Cocoa delegation pattern doesn't require that delegates are instantiated. If you don't need to respond to events, you don't need to create a delegate. Before you call a method on an object's delegate, make sure that the delegate isn't nil.

The example below creates an NSWindow and uses optional chaining to check that the window's delegate exists before sending a message to the delegate.

let myWindow = NSWindow(
    contentRect: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 5120, height: 2880),
    styleMask: .fullScreen,
    backing: .buffered,
    defer: false

myWindow.delegate = MyDelegate()
if let fullScreenSize = myWindow.delegate?.window(myWindow, willUseFullScreenContentSize: mySize) {