The core methods you use to respond to life-cycle events occurring within a scene.

Scenes 내의 생명주기 이벤트에 응답에사용할 핵심 메서드들

Apple Developer Documentation


@MainActor protocol UISceneDelegate


Use your UISceneDelegate object to manage life-cycle events in one instance of your app's user interface. This interface defines methods for responding to state transitions that affect the scene, including when the scene enters the foreground and becomes active, and when it enters the background. Use your delegate to provide appropriate behavior when these transitions occur. For example, finish critical tasks and quiet your app when it enters the background.

Do not create UISceneDelegate objects directly. Instead, specify the name of your custom delegate class as part of the configuration data for your scenes. You can specify this information in your app's Info.plist file, or in the UISceneConfiguration object you return from your app delegate's application(_:configurationForConnecting:options:) method. For more information about how to configure scenes, see Specifying the Scenes Your App Supports.