


/// Returns a "view" of `self` containing the same elements in
/// reverse order.
func reversed() -> ReverseCollection
/// Inserts `newHead` at the beginning of `self`.
mutating func prepend(_ newHead: Int)

/// Returns a `List` containing `head` followed by the elements
/// of `self`.
func prepending(_ head: Element) -> List

/// Removes and returns the first element of `self` if non-empty;
/// returns `nil` otherwise.
mutating func popFirst() -> Element?

참고: 위와 같은 경우는 드물지만 popFirst의 요약은 세미콜론으로 구분된 여러 문장으로 구성

/// Accesses the `index`th element.
subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }