
Using a consistent layout that adapts to various contexts makes your experience more approachable and helps people enjoy their favorite apps and games on all their devices.


Guides and safe areas

layout guide defines a rectangular region that helps you position, align, and space your content on the screen. The system includes predefined layout guides that make it easy to apply standard margins around content and restrict the width of text for optimal readability. You can also define custom layout guides.

safe area defines the area within a view that isn’t covered by a navigation bar, tab bar, toolbar, or other views a window might provide. Safe areas are essential for avoiding a device’s display and interactive features, like a sensor housing or Home indicator.

In iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS, the system defines a collection of traits that characterize variations in the device environment that can affect the way your app displays on the screen. Using SwiftUI or Auto Layout, you can ensure that your interface adapts dynamically to a wide range of traits, including:

Best practices