Inheritance - The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.6)

A class can inherit methods, properties, and other characteristics from another class. When one class inherits from another, the inheriting class is known as a subclass, and the class it inherits from is known as its superclass. Inheritance is a fundamental behavior that differentiates classes from other types in Swift.

Classes in Swift can call and access methods, properties, and subscripts belonging to their superclass and can provide their own overriding versions of those methods, properties, and subscripts to refine or modify their behavior. Swift helps to ensure your overrides are correct by checking that the override definition has a matching superclass definition.

Classes can also add property observers to inherited properties in order to be notified when the value of a property changes. Property observers can be added to any property, regardless of whether it was originally defined as a stored or computed property.

Defining a Base Class

Any class that doesn’t inherit from another class is known as a base class.


Swift classes don’t inherit from a universal base class. Classes you define without specifying a superclass automatically become base classes for you to build upon.


Swift 클래스들은 범용 기본 클래스에서 상속되지 않습니다. 슈퍼 클래스를 지정하지 않고 정의한 클래스는 자동으로 기본 클래스가 됩니다.

The example below defines a base class called Vehicle. This base class defines a stored property called currentSpeed, with a default value of 0.0 (inferring a property type of Double). The currentSpeed property’s value is used by a read-only computed String property called description to create a description of the vehicle.

The Vehicle base class also defines a method called makeNoise. This method doesn’t actually do anything for a base Vehicle instance, but will be customized by subclasses of Vehicle later on:

class Vehicle {
    var currentSpeed = 0.0
    var description: String {
        return "traveling at \\(currentSpeed) miles per hour"

// 하위 클래스에서 재정의 할것임
    func makeNoise() {
        // do nothing - an arbitrary vehicle doesn't necessarily make a noise

let someVehicle = Vehicle()

print("Vehicle: \\(someVehicle.description)")
// Vehicle: traveling at 0.0 miles per hour