The Delegate Pattern In Swift

“This design pattern is implemented by defining a protocol that encapsulates the delegated responsibilities, such that a conforming type(known as a delegate) is guaranteed to provide the functionality that has been delegated.” ; Swift Language Guide - Protocols

What Is Delegation?

// This protocol will hold everything the manager class needs their assistant to do
protocol ManagerDelegate: AnyObject {
		func doLaundry(for manager: Manager, laundry: [Clothes]) -> [Clothes]
		func howMuchMoneyDidWeMake() -> Int
		func whatBearIsBest() -> String

class Manager {
		// the manager doesn't care what class their assistant is,
		// only that they can do what the manager needs them to do 
		weak var assistant: ManagerDelegate?

		// Whever the manager needs those tasks done, they just have the assistant do it
		func performEndOfDayTasks() {
				if today.isMonday {
						cleanClothes = assistant.doLaudry(for: self, laundry: dirtyClothes)			
				} else if today.isFriday {
						let profit = assistant.howMuchMoneyDidWeMake()
						tellBoss("We made \\(profit) dollars this week boss!")
// The assistant adopts the protocol and this code will not compile
// unless they meet all the requirements of the protocol
class Assistant: ManagerDelegate {
		func doLaundry(for manager: Manager, laundry: [Clothes]) -> [Clothes] {
        var cleanClothes = washClothes(laundry) 
        return cleanClothes
    func howMuchMoneyDidWeMake() -> Int {
        return ledger.profit
    func whatBearIsBest() -> String {
        return "There are basically two schools of thought..."

Why Use Delegation?