Basic Operators에 설명된 연산자 외에도 Swift는 더 복잡한 값 조작을 수행하는 여러 고급 연산자 제공

C & Objective-C에서의 all of the bitwise and bit shifting operators 제공

Swift Operator Associativity

If an expression has two operators with similar precedence, the expression is evaluated according to its associativity (either left to right, or right to left). For example,

print(6 * 4 / 3)     // 8

Here, operators * and / have the same precedence. And, their associativity is from left to right. Hence, 6 * 4 is executed first.

Note: If we want to execute the division first, we can use parentheses as print(6 * (4/3)).

Bitwise Operators